Bharti AXA Life Group Credit Protection Pro

(ADVT NO:II-Jul-2022-4078)

A comprehensive group credit protection plan is an easy way to safeguard you & your family from loan liabilities and provides financial stability in the face of life’s unforeseen exigencies.

5 reasons to buy

  • Multiple benefits - The policy offers multiple benefit options such as a cover for Terminal Illness, Critical Illness, Accidental Total & Permanent Disability and Accidental Death.
  • Choice of cover - It offers flexibility to choose between Level cover or Reducing cover.
  • Loan Moratorium period - Coverage for loans with moratorium period ranging from 1 month to 10 years
  • Rebates on premium - Exclusive premium rebate for women lives and joint borrowers.
  • Extra Protection – Offers option to cover 125% of loan amount.

All customers of the Master Policyholder who satisfy the following conditions or within the conditions defined by the Master Policy holder (MPH) will be eligible for coverage under this product.

Plan at a Glance

Parameter Eligibility Criteria
Policy Coverage Term

The policy term for different benefit options are as follows -

Type of Benefit Minimum Coverage Term Maximum Coverage Term
Basic Death Benefit 1 month 30 years
Accelerated Critical Illness Benefit 1 year 5 years
Accelerated Terminal Illness Benefit 1 Years 30 Years
Accelerated Accidental Total and Permanent Disability (ATPD) Benefit 1 Years 30 Years
Accidental Death Benefit 1 Years 30 Years

The Coverage term shall be consistent with loan tenure. The members shall be able to choose the coverage term lower than loan tenure as per their requirement

Minimum Premium Based on the minimum sum assured, policy term, premium payment term, gender, age, interest rate, coverage level option and benfit option chosen.
Minimum Sum Assured (₹) ₹ 10,000
Maximum Sum Assured (₹)

Max Sum Assured shall depend on the options chosen.

Type of Benefit Maximum Sum Assured Per Member
Basic Death Benefit No limit, subject to the Company’s Board Approved Underwriting Policy.
Accelerated Critical Illness Benefit ₹ 10,000,000
Accelerated Terminal Illness Benefit ₹ 20,000,000
Accelerated Accidental Total and Permanent Disability (ATPD) Benefit ₹ 20,000,000
Accidental Death Benefit ₹ 20,000,000
Minimum Group Size 20 Members
Moratorium Cover 1 Month - 10 Years
Type of Cover Level Cover, Reducing Cover

*The minimum/maximum age at entry, sum assured & the coverage term will be scheme specific & shall vary as per underwriting limits based on data submitted by the master policyholder.
*In case of the life insured being a minor at the time of policy issuance, the ownership of the policy will vest in the life insured on the attainment of age 18 years as per age attained on last birthday.